Legalize Insanity

Anything Goes! Thoughts, news, reviews, about anything thought provoking, inspiring, useful, funny, or something else including books, music, products, health, relationships, technology, travel, internet, marketing, and making money.

First, I give credit to Robin Williams for the phrase "legalize insanity."  I heard him use it on an actors guild show and it stuck in my head.  To me it means, permission to be yourself!  To be free, with no limits.  His ability to be funny is pure genius; he totally lets go.  Thank you!  Laughter is the best medicine.

A great teacher named Abraham was once asked what would happen to the world if everyone just did whatever they wanted to do.  The questioner was concerned that this might create problems and imbalance in the world.  Abraham answered saying there is room in the world for everyone to "follow their bliss" (Joseph Campbell) ie be themself.  In fact, the world would be in perfect harmony.  Let's go for it!

Welcome!  Be yourself!  Be free!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Over 100 million Blogs - Mind Boggling

I'm brand new to the blog thingy. I'll be experimenting with it. I wonder how many blogs there will be in 1 year? 3 years? 5 years? Now that's crazy!


At 5:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Probably billions! In the near future every child in school (at least in America) will probably have their own blog as a part of their education!

Here's something interesting I found of Daniel Jacob's blog. He channels the Reconnections.

Cicero's Natural Law

DJ: Someone sent this on to me.......

"Below is Cicero’s definition of natural law from his book, On the Republic, published in 51 BC. While reading, substitute the secular word “Nature” for the mystical word “God”:

"True law is right reason in agreement with nature, universal, consistent, everlasting, whose nature is to advocate duty by prescription and to deter wrongdoing by prohibition. Good men obey its prescriptions and prohibitions, but evil men disobey them. It is forbidden by God to alter this law, nor is it permissible to repeal any part of it, and it is impossible to abolish the whole of it. Neither the Senate nor the People can absolve us from obeying this law and we do not need to look outside ourselves for an expounder or interpreter of this law. There will not be one law at Rome and another law at Athens. There is now and will be forever one law, valid for all peoples and all times. And there will be one master and ruler for all of us in common, God, who is the author of this law, its promulgator, and enforcing judge. Whoever does not obey this law is trying to escape himself and to deny his nature as a human being. By this very fact, he will suffer the greatest penalties, even if he should somehow escape conventional punishments."

DJ: I like the feel of it, but would think that substituting the idea of ONENESS for the idea of "God"......will always take us to the HEART of the matter. Oneness is the end of karma, and the place where the buck stops. Even Gods and Goddesses lose sight of this, from time to time...........



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